Securing a bank loan with a German bank for your house purchase will likely take longer than what you are used to in the United States. A two week approval... read more →
Previously, we wrote about "Property Tax Reform – Grundsteuerreform 2022" if you own property in Germany. To read more about the first article, click on the link above. If you... read more →
If we can give you one piece of advice as a new arrival in Germany, it would be to go to the VAT office to pick up your VAT forms... read more →
In 2019, the German government put into place regulations that would reform the property tax system. The reason the property tax system is being reformed is because the way the... read more →
We are often asked "what is the best way to convert your USD to EUR while you are stationed in Germany?". You may want to... read more →
Calculating Your LQA or OHA When Purchasing a Home. I am often asked exactly how to calculate ones housing allowance when purchasing a home overseas.... read more →
New German (EU) Banking Regulations: What is the real impact? I have been getting many inquiries from worried customers, potential customers and just people that I... read more →